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Consultative Selling

Sales are won and lost based on the conversations your sellers have with buyers. Too often, sellers make mistakes—common mistakes that end up losing them the sale.

Our Foundations of Consultative Selling training program will teach your team a proven process for leading masterful sales conversations from “hello” to “let’s go.”

This program introduces the strategies and tactics that are the foundation of successful selling, and the key selling skills your team needs to become top performers.

Strategic Key Account Management

How many of your accounts are buying everything they should from you across all of your capability areas? 

Selling to existing accounts is one of the biggest untapped opportunities for revenue growth. In fact, Top Performers in Strategic Account Management experience significantly greater revenue growth, profit growth, and year-over-year client satisfaction. 

Our Strategic Account Management program introduces a proven process for strategic account planning that helps account managers systematically review and grow their most important accounts.

Key Account planning & Development

How many of your accounts are buying everything they should from you across all of your capability areas? 

Selling to existing accounts is one of the biggest untapped opportunities for revenue growth. In fact, Top Performers in Strategic Account Management experience significantly greater revenue growth, profit growth, and year-over-year client satisfaction. 

Our Strategic Account Management program introduces a proven process for strategic account planning that helps account managers systematically review and grow their most important accounts.

Distributor Management

Suppliers are beginning to turn to distributors more frequently in an effort to increase brand awareness, market penetration, and overall relationships with end-users.

‘Marry in haste, repent at leisure’ _ this is often the most common problem in B2B distributor relationships.

Principal and distributor get swept along by the early market opportunity and get disillusioned when this opportunity fails to materialise or grow beyond the initial bubble. With 70% of most distributed relationships ending in failure, an approach is required that mitigates against this risk. Understand the first element of the framework ‘pre-relationship, partnership planning, and living the partnership is critical.

“A good principal will sit down with their distribution partners to map out where they are, where they want to go and identify what success looks like, and work to match them up with customers that are in ‘emerging’ markets the distributors want to tap, as well as existing markets that they can grow in.”

We understand that you have unique requirements

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